
Frequently Asked Questions

What type of investors can I expect to meet on this platform?

The variety of investors active on Ontropi spans a wide range – Angel Investors, Angel Networks, VC Funds, Institutional Investors, Corporate Development Professionals, & Private Equity Firms, etc. Once you have provided sufficient data about your venture, the system will automatically guide you to the right investors & the corresponding Pitch Sessions. Visit the public site of Ontropi (https://ontropi.com/home.php) to see a representative sample of our investor base.

What is the process of funding?

It’s a 3-step process: 1. Ensure that your venture data on the Ontropi platform is complete and accurate 2. Get “Pitch Ready” through critical/analytical assessments by seasoned evaluators/mentors 3. Pitch to the matched investors and WIN!

What if I fail in any of the steps of this rigorous process?

First of all, there are no failures only learnings. Seriously – if you do not make the cut in any one the steps of Ontropi’s fund raising process, you iterate until you are successful. And, the platform provides you with everything you need to tune your startup to successfully make the cut and move up to the next level. Each of these steps is a highly rigorous exercise – YET – absolutely achievable by anyone in pursuit of a genuinely entrepreneurial goal. So, go right ahead and give it a shot.

How do I ensure that my venture data is complete?

Simple – the Ontropi platform gives you quick and automatically calculated “Data Sufficiency Score (DSS)”. This is a simple “Quantitative” estimate of the completeness of the data. Keep reviewing your “My Startup” section and keep updating your Venture Data & uploading relevant documents – and soon you will achieve the threshold score on data sufficiency. While, at this stage, an external evaluator may not be necessary to achieve the data sufficiency requirements – if you think it would help you do so, go ahead and book an evaluation to clear this requirement. You will see the notes from the evaluators under the “Notes” tab, organized by section & data-fields to provide you a clear picture of what may be missing.

What should I do, once my venture clears the data sufficiency requirements?

Get at least one evaluation done ASAP. There are hundreds of professional venture analysts available on Ontropi and you can find the suitable ones (pre-matched for yout sector, stage, etc.) listed in “Evaluations” listing. Select the one that you think will be good for you to quickly and efficiently clear the threshold requirements of investors. Do not always focus on fee that these evaluators charge – consider their mentor-rating, evaluation history, etc. If you are wrestling with the Data Sufficiency score, the evaluators can help you get an objective feedback on missing or mis-matching data. If you have structured your pitch in an unhelpful manner, they will provide you the feedback necessary to get that in order. We strongly encourage you to proactively engage the services of one or more evaluators. Many evaluators offer their services for very small fees. The time this step will save for you is well worth the fee they charge – so, please make a judicious choice of early evaluators and cross the hurdles towards the “PITCH” as soon as you can.

Would these evaluations diminish the chances of getting my venture funded?

Absolutely NOT. The evaluation process ensures that the “hygiene factors” around your pitch strategy are in place. To that extent, they actually enhance your chances of getting funded. The evaluation process is designed to get you “Pitch Ready” – they help you cross the minimum threshold of evaluation score, and beyond that, the investors go on to make independent decisions. Investors want you to tell your story in your own way - the better you are at it, higher are your chances of achieving funding success. In short, evaluations help you avoid a pre-mature exposure to the important investors if your pitch is not ready AND once ready, help you hone the quality of your pitch. So, we strongly encourage you to seek out a wide variety of evaluations and feedback mechanisms so that you are constantly tuning your venture towards a major success.

Can you share some success stories of startups getting successfully funded through Ontropi?

Yes! Check this link out: http://www.ontropi.com

I have enrolled, applied, and gotten my startup evaluated. I realize that my venture still needs to cover some ground before being “Investor Pitch Ready”. What should I do?

Usually, it’s not as bad as you think. More than 90% of startups and entrepreneurs struggle to get their startup to be truly “Pitch Read”. That doesn’t mean you should give up. The best thing you can do at this stage is focus on getting “Strategic Mentors”. Many of them are happy to hear your story and offer you quick and meaningful suggestions to fast-forward the success of your startup.

My private limited has been 4 years old and still i couldn't generate a good profitable account balance sheet , may participate in this secession ? if yes how much % chances to get funding in this condition ?

More than historic profitability, what matters is the future potential, ability to pivot to different business models, etc. So, yes - you can apply. In terms of % chances of getting funding - totally dependent on how you manage the process and how you steer your business plan/execution. That’s what is unique about our platform- startups either get funded or they get direct feedback on what needs to be done to become investable. Hope this helps.