Demystifying Seed Funding: Investor Insights for Startup Founders

Written by: Team Ontropi
Date : 28-Jun-2024

We at Ontropi, are now dealing with hundreds of seed and early-stage deals. As I set out to build Ontropi, I decided to keep a collection of “Aha” moments – especially as they emerged as feedback from investors. These insights are pure gold! As I started managing the ISF Angel Network, I realized that I now have a great vantage point to study the investors’ mind-set. I believe these insights are crucial for startup founders embarking on the fundraising journey. My aim here is to provide a clear-eyed perspective on what investors and angel networks like ours look for, and how you can successfully secure funding. Here are my top-10:

1. Understanding Financial Instruments

In seed funding, the financial instruments you choose – equity, convertible notes, SAFE agreements – play a critical role in defining your relationship with your investors and the future of your company.

Each instrument has strategic implications. For example, we once invested in a startup through a SAFE because it allowed us to bypass immediate valuation disputes and focus on growth, aligning our interests without the pressure of debt.

2. The Importance of Strategic Networking

Most founders’ definition of “networking” has become “having investors’ contact info”! Strategic Networking is where you not only “know” the investors, but you actually understand who is aligned with your vision and industry and who is not. The best pitches I’ve seen come from founders who understand their audience, tailoring their approach to highlight synergies with the investors’ expertise and portfolios.

3. Crafting a Convincing Pitch

Investors look for clarity, precision, and vision in pitches. Your pitch deck should not only showcase your product but should convincingly outline:

For instance, a compelling pitch once showed us not just the current market size, but how regulatory changes would expand it by a certain multiple in five years—a key factor in our decision to invest.

4. Market Analysis: The Investors’ Perspective

Investors need to see that you understand your market thoroughly. This includes knowing your competitors, potential market share, and growth factors. We look for founders who can present a detailed, data-backed analysis that aligns with our understanding and expectations of the market.

5. Managing the Due Diligence Process

Transparency during due diligence builds trust. I expect founders to be prepared with all necessary documentation and to have a clear understanding of their financial and operational status. This not only speeds up the investment process but also establishes a foundation of reliability. This is one of the corner stones of Ontropi’s Architecture as a platform for Startup Investment where fair due diligence enablers are made available from Day-1 of the fund-raising conversations.

6. Strategic Investment Planning & Negotiating Terms

Effective fundraising aligns closely with your strategic business goals. I advise founders to think carefully about how much they need to raise, at what valuation, and how this will support their long-term objectives without over-diluting early stakeholders.

The negotiation is about finding a balance where both parties feel the risk and potential rewards are properly aligned. As an investor, I respect founders who can negotiate terms that protect their vision and governance while offering fair equity shares and returns to investors.

7. Regulatory Compliance from an Investor’s View

Investors are particularly sensitive to compliance issues as they can significantly impact the viability and legality of an investment. Founders must ensure that their fundraising efforts are compliant with all relevant laws & regulations to maintain investor confidence and legal integrity. This is in fact the very basis for Ontropi‘s FACTOps (Finance, Accounting, Compliance, & Tax) services to ensure that startup founders have an easy way to integrate this into their business even before raising funds from investors.

8. Post-Investment Management

Post-investment, I expect founders to manage capital efficiently and prepare meticulously for future rounds. Regular, transparent communication with investors about both successes and challenges helps maintain trust and support.

9. Staying Ahead of Industry Trends

At ISF Angels, I continuously monitor industry trends and expect the startups we invest in to do the same. Demonstrating awareness and adaptability in response to industry shifts is crucial and can significantly influence further investment decisions.

10. The Role of Mentorship

Finally, leveraging the mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and investors can provide you with invaluable insights and guidance. Many members of our investor network take an active role in mentoring, as this not only protects their investment but also contributes to the startup’s success. Startup founders should take full advantage of this and work closely with the mentors who bring in meaningful change and progress.

Through this blog, I hope to offer startup founders a clear understanding of what investors seek in potential investments and how to navigate the complexities of seed funding. Remember, each interaction with an investor is an opportunity to learn and refine your approach. Maximize those interactions with a “learning” agenda & make it a great journey!